Horse Judging: Terms for Oral Reasons, UNL


• He dropped his hindquarters deeper into the ground, flexing his loin more, thus he had a longer, deeper sliding stop. • He dropped his hocks deeper and straighter into the ground while staying more relaxed and mobile off his forehand. • Breaks more readily over his loin while driving his haunches more into the ground giving him the most correct sliding stop. • His stops were deeper and more completely shut-down • Worked off his haunches and maintained movement on his front legs relaxed, allowing him to execute a more correct sliding stop. • Dropped his hindquarters deeper into the ground while keeping his front legs relaxed, allowing him to execute a more correct sliding stop. • Drove haunches deep into the ground while being more supple through his back and shoulders and more relaxed in his forehead resulting in a longer more correct stop. • He ran more aggressively into his run downs and then proceeded to stop, breaking more at his loin, remaining looser through his jaw and freer up front. • He is much more patient in waiting for the cue to stop in his approach. • Drove harder in the runs, stopped smoother and slid further. • Sank his hocks deeper into the ground while being more arched through his back and freer on his forehand, thus producing a higher degree of difficulty in a more ground consuming slide. • Got more in the ground during his stops by breaking more at the loin while keeping his hocks more underneath his body. • Ran harder, with less hesitation into all stops where he stayed more flexed at the poll and rounder backed which enabled him to remain more mobile on his forehand. • Expressing more suppleness through his back and remained more relaxed through this forehand and poll enabling him to provide more balance in his stops. • Ran harder with less hesitation into his tops, having longer, deeper stops while being more mobile on his forehand and cleaner and crisper in his rollbacks. • He is more correct in exiting his rollbacks snapping out with more drive off his hocks. • Ran with greater speed and dispatch from end to end, rolling back cleaner over his hocks • More explosive in his rollbacks, rolling over haunches with more authority.

• Crawled more free up front especially in his sliding stops • Snapped quicker over his tracks at the right rollback


• Stiff and resistant in stops • Ran through his stops

• Stopped on his front end • Came out of his stops early • Anticipated the stops setting up early at each end.

Circles/Lead Changes/Rundowns

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