ECOP encourages all Cooperative Extension programs to adhere to their Land- grant University nondiscrimination policy in the development and delivery of Extension efforts designed to engage all people.
— Chuck Hibberd, ECOP Chair, Dean/Director Nebraska Extension, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
This section contains a summary of the resources listed in the body of the this publication.
10 LGBTQ Resources for Mentors Jessica Cunningham, research assistant at the MENTOR/UMB Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring, compiled the following list of 10 LGBTQ-specific resources (listed in alphabetical order) to help mentors build their capacity as advocates. URL: https://www.evidencebasedmentoring.org/10-lgbtq-resources-for- mentors/?utm_source=Maryland+MENTOR&utm_campaign=a0dd2e0488- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_08_23_12_03_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1531088ce- a0dd2e0488-221831177&mc_cid=a0dd2e0488&mc_eid=8974aa15 DEI Issue Type: Gender Awareness, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation
2019 Kids Count Data Book State Trends in Child Well-Being This 30th edition of the Data Book examines how America’s child population has changed, demographically and geographically. Many of the contrasts are dramatic. URL : https://www.aecf.org/m/resourcedoc/aecf-2019kidscountdatabook-2019.pdf DEI Issue Type: Social Justice Development, Youth Development
4-H as a Catalyst to Enhance Quality of Life for Hispanic Individuals Improving the quality of life for all Americans by increasing economic opportunities is essential to maintaining a highly competitive agricultural system in a global economy. Because Hispanic individuals are one of the fastest growing groups of Americans, traditional youth development programs must begin to focus more on Hispanic youth development. This article outlines how 4-H Programs can serve as a catalyst to enhance quality of life for Hispanic youth and citizens in general. URL: https://archives.joe.org/joe/2013august/comm1.php DEI Issue Type: Culture, Ethnicity, Race
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