following areas: primary prevention, identification and engagement, emergency and crisis response, and tailored housing and services. This guidebook describes key features and promising practices of these models and potential funding sources to help CoC providers plan, develop, and improve their own youth- appropriate services. Click Link Below for PDF File: Ending-Youth-Homelessness-Promising-Program-Models URL : models DEI Issue Type: Socioeconomic Status Engaging Latino Youth Community Base Programs: Findings from the First Ten Years of the Oregon 4-H Latino Outreach Project Across the nation, community-based organizations are facing the challenges that accompany serving new, ethnically and racially diverse audiences. For many communities this is the first time they have experienced foreign immigration and the cultural diversity it brings. Given a shortage of easily accessed information related to working with specific culturally diverse audiences, many organizations often proceed through a process of trial and error. In actuality, there exists a wealth of knowledge and experience resident in organizations that have successfully worked with racially and ethnically diverse groups. However, programming demands leave little time for staff to think about synthesizing and sharing their information. As one attempt to make information about Latino outreach more accessible, the Oregon State University Extension 4-H program offers this publication to share knowledge and in-sight gained through the implementation of the Oregon 4-H Latino Outreach Project. The intent is to provide pertinent and helpful information, particularly for those who are new to Latino outreach. URL : _Based_Programs.pdf DEI Issue Type: Culture, Ethnicity, Race
Equity and Empowerment Lens – Multnomah County The Equity and Empowerment Lens (with a racial justice focus) is a transformative quality improvement tool used to improve planning, decision-making, and resource allocation leading to more racially equitable policies and programs. At its core, it is a set of principles, reflective questions, and processes that focuses at the individual, institutional, and systemic levels by:
• deconstructing what is not working around racial equity;
• reconstructing and supporting what is working;
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