
Program Goals:

• Gather a group of engaged youth and adults to discuss a community issue

• Increase understanding of Injustice (global – state – Local)

• Develop a greater advocacy in Maryland

• Develop a cohort of young activists who are engaged in community and civic engagement

Identify strategies to address the issue

This 3-day event is divided into 3 distinct segments:

1. FRAMING: Framing the social justice issue & team building

2. DISCOVERY: Engagement in action research/service project/hands-on learning

3. ACTION: Developing community action plans

URL : https://extension.umd.edu/programs/4-h-youth-development/program-areas/youth-and-adult- leadership/maryland-4-h-issue-forum DEI Issue Type: Geographical Location, Socioeconomic Status

Measuring Racial Equity in the Food System: Established and Suggested Metrics This tool offers an expansive list of metrics that U.S. food system practitioners and food movement organizations can use to hold ourselves accountable for progress towards a more equitable food system.

The metrics are either currently in use or are recommended by food system practitioners and food movement organizations in the United States.

They are described, cited, and organized by themes: food access, food and farm business, food chain labor, and food movement.

Click Link Below for PDF file: Measuring-Racial-Equity-in-the-Food-System URL : https://www.canr.msu.edu/resources/measuring-racial-equity-in-the-food-system DEI Issue Type: Culture, Ethnicity, Faith-based Beliefs (Religious or Spiritual), Gender Awareness, Geographical Location, Language, Race, Socioeconomic Status


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