Kemēcemenaw: Menominee Food Sovereignty

Google Forms also provides summary results data. If programs want to dig deeper and analyze results on their own, Google Forms provides an option to export data to Microsoft Excel. Other survey tools include Qualtrics and Survey Monkey.

Below are brief descriptors of each survey our program developed for the Menominee Indian Reservation. See the complete surveys for more detailed information.

• Menominee Wellness Initiative Survey . This survey was administered to assess the effectiveness of seed distribution events and to learn about gardening practices. The results helped to improve event advertising, garden workshop content, and confirmed the need for seed distribution in the Menominee community. • Supomahkwakwan Survey . This simple survey was distributed to individuals who participated in maple syrup workshops. The goals of the survey were to assess what participants learned, determine the value of the workshop content, and gather ideas for future workshops. • Community Convening . The Community Convening Survey was administered to community members who participated in the convenings. The survey results helped us understand what participants learned and how they might be able to apply that knowledge, as well as how we can improve future convenings. • 2015 Menominee Food Sovereignty Survey . This survey was conducted in order to assess the state of food security and food sovereignty on the Menominee Indian Reservation. Survey respondents helped us identify community needs and opportunities to increase access to local, fresh, culturally appropriate foods.


 Assessing the state of Food Security and Food Sovereignty in the Menominee Community (pdf)

 Menominee Wellness Initiative Survey (doc)

Stakeholder Analysis

The value of knowing who stakeholders are is key to creating inclusive projects, programs, and activities. By conducting stakeholder analysis before a project commences, or early in planning, one is able to identify groups and individuals who can bring additional insight into the work. A stakeholder analysis provides an opportunity to assess how one currently engages with stakeholders, how one is responsible to stakeholders, and who is missing from the project. The first step in this process is to identify stakeholders. We hosted a brainstorming session with the core food sovereignty workgroup. This group included staff from the College of Menominee Nation, the college’s extension division, Food Distribution, Master Gardeners, and other members of the Menominee Wellness


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