Urban Extension: A Professional Development Offering

In the Heroes 4-Health program, County Agents typically work with schools or community sites that would like to offer programming to its clientele, but lack the programming resources or personnel.

Another type of collaborator is an organization that provides programming opportunities and resources but would like to expand what they can offer – for instance, when PAMU Cooperative Extension partnered with MD Anderson and their collaborator 100 Black Men of Houston. PVAMU Cooperative Extension and MD Anderson worked together previously on a Cancer Awareness grant, thus establishing a history of trust that could then be utilized to build upon in future projects. As MD Anderson developed the collaboration with 100 Black Men of Houston, they wanted to create a richer program that involved community service and healthy living education to the youth. MD Anderson recommended our Heroes 4-Health Program and hosted a meeting to introduce all of the potential partners. During the meeting, discussions on expectations, needs, barriers and common goals occurred. The group was able to agree on program delivery, impacts and goals and a successful program was implemented. 100 Black Men of Houston provided the audience and the location, MD Anderson provided additional volunteers for program implementation, and Cooperative Extension provided an educator, a County Agent and a research-based program with the needed supplies and materials. The end result was a collaboration that served the needs of multiple organizations and community groups.


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