Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms

Producers will work through a series of steps: Self-Assessment, Education, Verification, and Certification. Image from the Nebraska Extension Weather Ready Farms Overview (2020)

WRF Market Research

Market research is the activity or action of collecting information about consumers’ needs and preferences. It’s the process an entity – like a business, nonprofit, or even Extension – can use to gather important insights from the people who currently use their products or services or from people who they want to use their products or services. Market research applies to Extension work, especially with regard to the creation and development of new programs, products, or services. Market research can provide decision-makers with important information like what learners or potential learners like or don’t like about Extension programs or products, how they are using Extension services, and their attitudes about different topics such as climate change and extreme weather. Before embarking on the development of an agricultural weather readiness program, conducting market research is an important first step. The results from the market research initiative can provide program developers with senses of clarity and direction.


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