Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms

The verifier will review the participant’s initial sel f-assessment and implementation of crop management strategies at the participant’s farm. The goal of the program is to identify ways in which the participant has increased on-farm resilience to extreme weather. The results will be unique to individual farmers and their farms, experiences, and decisions. Following the verification meeting, the verifier, in conjunction with the Extension project team, will determine certification status and notify the participant.

Working closely with producers and operations is a key component to the WRF program. Photo courtesy of Vicki Jedlicka, University of Nebraska (2019)

WRF Certification

The certification phase is the final phase of the Weather Ready Farms program. For participants to achieve certification, they must demonstrate management practices that increase resilience to extreme weather. Examples include:

• If a participant’s initial self -assessment mostly falls in Phase 1, certification would be awarded if the participant implements and documents Phase 2 management practices.

• If a participant’s initial self -assessment mostly falls in Phase 2, certification would be awarded if the participant implements and documents Phase 3 management practices.

• In the rare event a participant’s initial self -assessment mostly falls in Phase 3, certification would be awarded through an agreement of personalized management practices between the participants and the Nebraska Extension project team.


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