Extension Climate/Extreme Weather Programming

Quantitative Results: Program Inventory We found 43 C/EW programs that fit our criteria. Figure 3 displays the spatial distribution of the C/EW programs; they exist in 30 states (note the regional and national programs are not represented on the maps and also several universities, for example Purdue and the University of Florida are engaged in several distinct programs). We also found an additional approximately 160 programs that also either mention C/EW or could infer a connection based on Project Drawdown’s criteria. For example, a winter weather program that provides resources for forecasting or emergency preparedness could infer a connection to climate and/or extreme weather without explicitly stating so, but we felt these were subjective to try to define and therefore warrant further study and specific definition of measurable metrics and inclusion criteria.

Figure 3. Map showing spatial distribution of C/EW programs and example of related program information. Within the 43 programs, we found that there are 29 programs that focus solely on climate, 4 programs that focus solely on extreme weather, and 10 programs that focus on both. Regarding the spatial scale of the program, we found 2 that are offered at the city/county level, 21 at the state, 14 that are regional, and 5 that are national in scale. Regarding the program area, the majority at 24 we describe as cross-programs spanning several programs or disciplines; next we determined 10 to be associated with agriculture, 5 with natural resources and/or forestry, and 4 with 4-H/youth. Table 1 and Figures 4 and 5 below present these results.


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