Extension Climate/Extreme Weather Programming

● “Just being able to have some of those more local resources and not even necessarily local to the county but just like a regional forestry specialist who just covers 10 counties instead of 100.” (R03) ● “ There’s real opportunity, I think, through the Climate Hubs to get more money into local Extension programming … We get a bit of money from our Climate Hub and I’m really appreciative of it but it’s not enough to do …the scale of work that I could see, you know working with rural communities on climate adaptation and planning and access to data is really huge and it would take a lot of money to do it.” (R04) ● “I think if we could provide some funding for a coordinator in every region of the state to run a volunteer program, that would be phenomenal . And that could be scaled out to the [U.S. Region] or the rest of the country and they could be supporting their local volunteers who could be supporting local communities on projects.” (R11) ● “We know Extension agents are so very taxed with what they're already doing and generally not willing - unless they're new agents - to take on additional programs, unless their communities are rallying for it. We built this program so that anybody could teach it. ” (R14) ● “I also know the colleagues I have, they don't directly work on climate change, per se, in their Extension work. I know one of them is a statewide water resource specialist and given that we're

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