The Juntos Program

Train individuals on university and Extension/department marketing guidelines.

Create and provide short videos to share your message.

B E S T P R A C T I C E S : F A C E B OO K & I N S T AG R AM

Use a targeted campaign to promote engagement from a younger audience.

Using a call to action in your posts could increase engagement rates.

Use the “stories” feature.

The worst day to post based on engagement is Sunday.

Boost and use sponsored posts to reach larger audiences.

Create a content calendar.

Keep the “About” sections up to date.

Use a call to action to create more user-generated content.

Connect/collaborate with all other Juntos Facebook/Instagram accounts and use cross-promotion to boost one another’s profiles.

Repost/share appropriate content.

Repost/share or engage with content that you are tagged in. This is an excellent way to gain visibility.

Develop user-generated content/submissions campaigns. Example: Use youth to tell their Juntos story in short videos. (Boost engagement by asking for user submissions of photos that are relevant to Juntos.)

Delete irrelevant story highlights such as event reminders or application deadlines that have already passed.

Play into social media trends to boost engagement.

Create cohesion visually by using a standard filter on all of your photos and have cover images for your story highlights.


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