Appendix 4: Letter of Invitation to Forum from Planning Committee - 2021
The University of Delaware Cooperative Extension and University of Maryland Extension are inviting you to a community forum titled:
Could COVID-19 Disruption Happen Again? Working Collectively to Build Resilience across our Food and Farm Systems on the Eastern Shore
The forum will be held via Zoom on Wednesday April 13, 2021, from 9:30 am – Noon and 1- 3:30pm (with breaks of course). The forum is designed to bring together people from multiple sectors, including agriculture, finance, health and mental health, health insurance, economic and rural development, and government, to participate in deliberation about options for collaborative action to reduce risk and build resilience against disruptors to the food system. On behalf of the Building Resilience across our Food and Farm System Planning Committee, I am inviting you to our limited seating Forum. The agenda will provide background information regarding disruptors across the food system impacting farmers, watermen, and their families; food processors and distributors; and consumers on the Eastern Shore of Delaware and Maryland. Participants will work in small groups to reflect on this information and identify resources that address these issues. Finally, participants will work in interest groups to develop collaborative actions that will be taken in the next three months and beyond. This project is partially funded with federal funds through the New Technologies in Agriculture Education grant awarded through the nationwide Connect Extension Foundation. The intent of the project is to test how effective a community forum can be when conducted via distant technology. In short, you will be helping us to conduct an experiment while addressing current issues! You are receiving this invitation because participation by you and your organization is essential to this community forum. You bring insight into the related issues and possible collaborative actions and your knowledge and expertise is an invaluable resource to this conversation. We hope that you will come and share your perspective and understanding with our group of vested stakeholders. Continued on next page
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