Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

Appendix 10: Key Informant Interview Question Guide (2018/2019)

Thank you for agreeing to speak with me. I am part of a team awarded funds to use a community approach to address health, health insurance and farming vitality. We are planning a forum to bring people together to bridge the gap between health, health care and farm viability in Maryland, Delaware and Ohio by discussing opportunities for collaboration and integration. The conversation will be asset-based, focusing on what each group can contribute to integrating relationships among health and agricultural professionals. To help ensure success, we are asking you to help us understand: ● What you see as the importance of the project. ● How to help orient people to the project.

● When would be the best time to host the summit? ● Who are the key people to involve in this work? ● Any other thoughts related to the work.

Before we begin, I would like to review with you the goal of the project. We are planning a forum to bring people together to bridge the gap between health, health care and farm viability in Delaware by discussing opportunities for collaboration and integration. The conversation will be community asset-based, focusing on what each group can contribute to integrating relationships among health and agricultural professionals. Based on the described goal and activities, could you please answer the following questions: 1. What do you see as the importance of the project? 2. When would be the best time to host the forum? 3. Who are the key people to involve? 4. We will be hosting a planning meeting. By the end of the meeting, we will have: a) Oriented people to the project

b) Overview of our approach to the forum c) Communicated goals and objectives d) Research background

e) Discussed best ways to invite people to the forum f) Logistics, including timing and location, for the forum g) Who to invite to the forum? h) Created a timeline and tasks to ensure success

5. 6.

What else do you believe needs to be included?

When would be the best time to host the planning meeting?

7. Is there someone from your office who you would like to have on the steering committee? 8. Is there anything else that I should know about the topic? It could be related to the political climate, past efforts, or scheduled events that would affect the forum. 9. Is there anything else you’d like to share? Thank you for your time.


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