Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

Appendix 13: Evaluation Questions used for Online/Virtual Forum

This survey was presented pre, before lunch and after the forum using a Qualtrics link for each survey. It was designed to be similar to the temperature reading tool we used in the face-to-face forum (Appendix 12).

Participants were asked the same question each time period:

Question 1:

As of right now, where would you rate yourself on your understanding and willingness to act on the issue of disruptions to our food and farm systems on the Eastern Shore?

9 – I understand enough about this issue now and I’m ready to take action.

6 – I believe this is an important issue that needs more attention.

3 – I don’t know enough to do anything about the issue.

0 – I didn’t realize this was such an important issue

Source: Braun, B., Pippidis, M., Ketterman, J., Wolinski, L., Volk, J. (2021, July 26). Engaging Strategically to Build Farm and Farm Family Resilience Engaging Community Members in Addressing Issues Together – An Introduction to the New How to Hold a Forum ePublication professional development . Extension Foundation NTAE. Engaging Strategically to Build Farm and Farm Family Resilience - YouTube


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