Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

Appendix 14: Evaluation - 3-Month Post-Forum Survey (2021)

This survey was sent via email to all forum participants three months after the forum with a consent form included.

1. Please identify which community sector you represent:

Agriculture / Health / Food Processing / Food Distribution / Government / Other

2. Which best describes the nature of your work?

Community Based / Administrative / Policy-Oriented / Other 3. How have you acted on what you learned or planned to do at the forum? I have integrated building resilience in the agricultural food chain and farming population: Farm business plans Your professional plan of work Your organization’s policies, procedures, or programs Community development plans or policies Professional development or in-service for other professionals Interactions with farmers and/or farm families Other 4. Engaging in an issue such as building resilience in the agricultural food chain and farming population requires leadership. Have you taken any leadership roles related to: 5. If yes, please check any of these examples where you have taken a leadership role. Holding a public meeting to discuss building resilience in the agricultural food chain and farming population. Providing professional development for others in your organization. Inviting interested others to talk about building resilience in the agricultural food chain and farming population. Publicizing the issue by writing articles, speaking on radio, etc. Seeking funds to support projects, etc. Other 6. Did you share resources or tools that were shared with you at the forum? Yes or No 7. If yes, which resources? 8. If yes, how many friends or colleagues did you share with? (Use a scale) 9. What have you accomplished or hope to accomplish? 10. What ideas do you have about continuing to move the work to increase awareness of, and solutions for, helping farmers, farm workers, farm families and their communities build resilience in the agricultural food chain and farming population? 11. Finally, please share any additional information about policies, procedures, programs, or plans you have worked on as a result of the Forum. 12. Would you be interested in a guide to replicate the Forum regionally or locally?

Thank you for your participation in our Forum and for completing this survey form.


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