Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

Onsite Face-to-Face vs. Online/Virtual Forums

Delaware 2018 Forum

Delaware and Maryland On-line Forum, 2021

There are advantages and disadvantages for each forum delivery method. For face-to-face forums, advantages include the opportunity for new and renewed relationship building, direct communication between participants that can strengthen commitments, ability of planning committee/facilitators to circulate among small group discussions to answer questions/guide groups, information generated is easily seen by participants, and actual resource sharing. Obvious disadvantages would include the expense for food, space and technology rental, travel mileage and other costs of having a live in-person event. For virtual or online forums, advantages would include no food and space rental, travel expenses. Additionally, it may be easy to bring in experts from outside the region and engage participants that would be hindered by travel. The downside is reliable broadband availability and participant computer skills to be engaged, more difficulty in engaging participants and monitoring the small group progress, and difficulty in building new or renewed relationships in an online setting. Tool 3: Considerations for In-Person or Virtual Forums in the Tools Section provides some guidance for creating successful forums regardless of method of delivery.


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