If you choose to conduct a forum online, spend time finding the best online platform for your needs. You will want to compare the features of video conferencing options such as limits to number of attendees, licensing fees, accessibility, availability, security, and functionalities available for the price. In terms of functionality, important considerations for the forum include the ability for breakout rooms, ability for participants to participate with video and audio on, you may want to record both the full participant sessions as well as the breakout sessions, the ability to poll and for people to chat and ask questions. Another consideration is the agenda. You will want to consider the length of the event, length of each segment of the agenda and utilize strategies to keep participants engaged. Offering breaks and, additionally, incentives to encourage people to return from breaks. Lastly, how will you handle materials you would distribute in a face-to-face setting? Sharing ahead of time, preparing Google Doc versions of documents that can be shared and filled in with notes during the breakout small group settings. Because part of the goal of the forum is to build relationships and develop community engagement using strategies to encourage interaction will be important. Simple things like requesting everyone with video to turn it on, reporting out small group discussion results and using trained facilitators to help guide interactions will be helpful. Additionally, you might consider: ● Assign a planning team member to moderate and introduce speakers and sessions ● Assign one to two facilitators to monitor chats, Q and A and manage breakout groups ● When sending attendees into breakout rooms, be sure to provide instructions and at least one facilitator in that breakout room. ● Assign one to two facilitators to each breakout group, predetermining when or if facilitation and notetaking will be the job of a single person or separate people ● For note taking and group thinking, utilize the white board function within the platform, if available or set up Google docs or similar options to share screen of notes as you would a flip chart ● Include report-outs from small group sessions as you would in-person ● Incorporate intentional and regular opportunities to interact (polls, break-out rooms, chat box) ● For breakout sessions where groups are self-selected, remind participants they can change break out rooms as they would move to a new table, if desired ● Be clear with participants about whether recordings or chats will be shared and if group notes will be shared and with whom. It will take just as much time to plan and execute whether you conduct a face-to-face forum or a virtual form. You will need to weigh the pros and cons and determine the best strategies to meet your objectives. You and your team will want to practice with the platform and technology, so you feel comfortable and confident during the forum.
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