Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

✔ Sign-in/Registration Table ● Designate at least one person to welcome guests, check or add their name to a registration form, provide them with the materials of the day, and briefly orient them to the space. Provide them with a nametag with their name, affiliation, and seating assignment. ✔ Facilitator Preparation ● Ask facilitators to arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to when other guests will. A brief, in-person meeting to introduce this group to each other and review the agenda and their responsibilities goes a long way. It is a good time for a final question and answer session. ● Provide a contact in the room for a facilitator to text if the discussion at their table becomes particularly difficult. ● Provide copies of the case study assigned to each facilitator in this early meeting so they will be ready to start the session. Describe how the afternoon facilitated session will take place and designate an area for pick-up of worksheets/packets for that session.

✔ Resource Table ● Encourage the sharing of resources relevant to the substance of the event.

Announcement for upcoming events, trainings for farm audiences, health and farm- based resources and information can be added to a designated area by planning committee, facilitators, speakers, and participants.

✔ Other



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