Report: Greater Chicagoland Compost Summit


"Climate change-focused federal and state grant program Sometimes do not even include composting" "State funding not going out though IL EPA" "[lack of] funding for existing initiatives. Community compost pick up services to subsidize households" "Current waste contract keeps MSW costs down, but we are locked into limited composting options long-term." "Current waste contract is in place until 2029 prevents change!"

Current contracts

A CCESS Multi-unit buildings

"Large residential building gatekeepers preventing residents from using a composting service" "Large residential building gate keepers preventing ppl from composting @home"

"Cost of private haulers is NOT affordable for everyone" "Paying private haulers isn't affordable to everyone" "Cost of bringing in compost"


"People have busy lives…. How can a community… food waste be incentivized." "Thinking that you need to have a garden to compost." "Education of community gardeners building compost bins for some." "Many individuals may have many challenges in their lives that compete”

Time and place

A TTITUDES AND P ERCEPTIONS General public understanding/interest in composting

"Fears (about) unnecessary work, smell, mice/rats" "Toxic legacy in Chicago. “Lack of trust in system like recycling wrong" "Lack of faith in municipal gov't to get it right"

"NIMBY (no composting in my back yard) residents” "First world problems. people are struggling to survive"

"Lack of understanding of Red Wigglers for permits…” “Perception that by passing policy it could put community at a disadvantage to attracting businesses (it adds costs, add'I work, and restrictions)”

Specific issues

Misguided attempts to spur adoption

"Shaming (saying lazy) culture is not the way"

Elected officials unaware

"Political will is nonexistent" "Need to inform our elected officials on the basics of composting and its importance" "Support / continuity of policy from administration to administration" "Not enough knowledge about policies and procedures about the importance and value of recycling in urban communities" "Need to convince municipalities of the value of community composting"


"Regulations (preventing) community garden from accepting food scraps from home" "Work with commercial food processors to compost food waste on a large scale" "The responsibility of food waste diversion shouldn't be fully placed on individuals/households. It’s a policy issue!" “Waste haulers, must make this a policy priority"

T ABLE 4: S ELECTED C OMMENTS ON C URRENT E FFORTS IN E DUCATION Note: Comments are representative of the identified themes. Not all comments are displayed.


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