Report: Greater Chicagoland Compost Summit

"10% by volume food scrap allowance for landscape facilities"


"Illinois food Scrap & Composting Coalition policy committee"

T ABLE 7: S ELECTED C OMMENTS ON O PPORTUNITIES IN E DUCATION Note: Comments are representative of the identified themes. Not all comments are displayed. E DUCATIONAL I NSTITUTIONS

Youth general education

"More climate change curriculum in all Illinois schools" "We need youth to see value in composting beyond paid opportunities" "Requiring composting education in CPS" "Educate Schools Youth (on) 1) food/waste and climate change 2) compost 3) school gardens" "Educate kids but how do parents buy in?" "Provide composting to K-12 schools so young people grow up with the practice." “Normalizing lunch time compost for students K-PhD" "Composting in all schools."

Offering food waste separation in school cafeterias

"Funding to hire a dedicated sustainability position in schools!" "Get schools involved-primarily admin." "Make compost a credit course for teachers"


A DULT /G ENERAL E DUCATION AND A WARENESS Accessibility of materials

"Language barriers-uncommon languages. Resources for illiterate folks" "Engaging non-English Speakers & folks limited in reading & writing (e.g. educational materials that include pictures; more funding for language interpreters." How "City staff & resident awareness building through monthly newsletter but also opportunity beyond?? How to guides, videos, workshops, ambassador programs" "Field Trip to Landfills" "Master Gardeners educate groups + individuals re: composting" "Fund/organize compost education workshops in communities (gardens, schools, libraries, etc.)" What "Educate on pitfalls of compostable waste" Standardizing education materials to make more digestible"

General adult

Marketing campaign

"Massive PSA campaign about why composting is important" The ‘Ick’ factor "Educate on rodents, insects, smell.” How to compost "Show different strategies for on-site compost.” "Online forums for folks to help each other troubleshoot." "’Build Your Own bin’" workshops."

Specific topics/audiences

"Public Education on benefits + how-to's of household composting -We need more." "Community based non-profits partner w city to educate resident about how to compost properly and why.” How to use compost/benefits of compost "Education to landscapers on value of compost" "Compost is cheaper than topsoil at Commercial sites. Ed. is needed for construction and landscape."


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