Report: Greater Chicagoland Compost Summit

"Policy mandating publicly funded (state/mun) projects use finished compost (leads to) create(ing) market demand." "Compost use mandates for corporations, public works to encourage more processors to get in the game!!" "County and city and state procurement policy to purchase local compost.” "More emphasis on getting more finished compost to market."


Right to compost

"Right to Compost Policy. Hi-rise/managed properties" "Need Right to Compost legislation so that building managers and landlords don't stand in the way." "Need food waste bans like other states have to mandate bigger producers to manage their food scraps responsibly.” "Support food waste bans" "Organics ban (on) •operators of (a) certain size. Cannot send food scraps/waste to landfills •include schools, univ, busin(esses)" "Ban food waste from landfills.” "STOP Making Plastic Products" "Plastics (""compostable"" green-washing, etc.)" "Non-compostable stickers" "Use L.A. plastic utensils ban as an example to implement in IL reduce →→→ compost Increase tipping fees/stop subsidizing trash "Increase landfill tipping fees - stop subsidizing!" "Stop subsidizing trash pickup. If folks have to pay act(ual) costs they'll recycle and compost" "Make the price to landfill more costly than recycle/compost " Enact policy that incentivizes composting vs. landfilling food scraps, such an increasing tipping fees at transfer stations or/and landfills." "To Evoke Change: Penalty (cost $) Reward (discount) Incentivize: Reward…” Usage "Incentivize farmers to use compost.” "Incentives for using finished compost + policy instituting its use in public works projects." “Incentives for people after the youth have ‘bought in’ HS age or beyond." Program development "State local Econ Dev Programs/incentive to support comm(unity) based composting hauling/delivery/ collection." "Invest. Give community composters $$$. Create jobs!!" "Green Jobs for those who need. Equity"


Create incentives

"Offer incentives to business; for example restaurants" "Incentivize Recycling / composting (i.e. Pay as you throw)" "Incentivize! stipends, tax breaks? for x amount deterred waste"

Create disincentives

"’Stick’ try it. Fine people for not composting" “Mandated waste audits for everyone!” "Need stronger policy to prevent ‘greenwashing’ on products that claim to be biodegradable ‘bio-based’ etc.” "Pass legislation that level sets all packaging requirements allowed for commercial Setting- incorporate buy in from processors!" "Radical Laws for plastic reduction and food waste diversion"

Expand definitions

“Specific permitting for allowing vermicompost." "Compost Redefined landscape Vs Food Waste" "IEPA-Redefine Definition of Yard waste"


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