
several research resources, including the advertising and marketing students from the University of Missouri School of Journalism’s Adzou program, a capstone course in the university’s School of Journalism.

In October 2019, we were invited by the eXtension Foundation to be one of five projects funded as part of the foundation’s USDA -funded New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) grant. Our original Extension partner, which would provide the science-based pollinator content for the campaign, was Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the university needed to put its time and resources elsewhere. In the spring of 2020, Pr airie View A&M University’s Cooperative Extension Program in Prairie View, Texas, became our Extension partner, as they were interested in new ways to reach large audiences. Finally, our team was complete. It’s been a long road, and we didn’t always know w here it was leading us, but we remained open to new ideas and were willing to pivot in Extension partnerships, all while staying true to our mission and trusting the people we worked with. We could have brushed off the idea of using mass media, since it is unconventional for Extension Service programs, but we took a chance and we believe it’s paying off.


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