
guide was the basis for all messaging on radio, digital, and social networks. By tracking downloads and hashtagging, our team will be able to measure audience engagement.

Image 2: Prep for Pollinators

The Pollinator Prep Guide can be found on Resources from which we created the guide can be found in the Reference section at the bottom of the guide.

Pilot data are still coming in, but preliminary findings are promising. In the first three weeks of the pilot, we had 1,436 visitors to our campaign website, This is where our audience can find our Pollinator Prep Guide, the Pollinator Personality Quiz, and the Pollinator Garden Blueprint. So far, our digital ads are driving more people to our How-To Guides page — where they can download our content — than our radio ads are. We’ve had 989 visits from our digital ads and 431 visits from radio messaging, but this may change over time. Stay up to date on our pilot by following us on Connect Extension.

Trust, Shared Vision, and Reciprocity

It’s important to note that NPSEC and Prairie View were able to create the Pollinator Stewardship Pilot campaign and distribute it through such high-profile platforms because the media partners offered us very


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