Our thanks to multiple people for their input that guided our thinking and organization of concepts and materials for professionals to use for educational programming including our Delaware and Maryland NTAE team members
Reviewers: We want to acknowledge the following individuals from multiple disciplines who provided content and usability reviews of this e-Fieldbook version.
David Buys, Associate Professor, Health Specialist, Mississippi State University, david.buys@msstate.edu
Leslie A. Forstadt , Ph.D. Extension Associate Professor, Human Development Specialist and Director, Maine Agricultural Mediation Program, University of Maine Extension, leslie.forstadt@maine.edu
Susan Harris , Extension Educator, University of Nebraska Extension, Lead, Wellness in Tough Times NTAE Project, susan.harris@unl.edu
Lorna Wounded Head , Family Resource Management Field Specialist, South Dakota State University Extension, Lorna.WoundedHead@sdstate.edu
Adam Kantrovich , AgriBusiness Specialist, Clemson University, akantro@clemson.edu
Emily Krekelber , Extension Educator, Livestock & Director, Rural Stress Task Force, University of Minnesota Extension, krek0033@umn.edu
David Thompson , Swine Management Educator and member of Michigan State University Extension Managing Farm Stress Task Force, tom1637@msu.edu
Sandra Thompson , Ed.D. Community Development Extension Specialist, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension, CIVIC Impact Team (deliberative forums). sandra.thompson@famu.edu
Advisors: Many thanks to the following members of the New Technologies for Agriculture Extension(NTAE) Team. They have been supportive in so many ways. An extra big Thank You to Ashley who took leadership publishing this publication edition.
Tira Adelman , Administrative Support & Reporting Karl Bradley , Leadership Beverly Coberly , Administrative Support Ashley Griffin , Publications Rose Hayden-Smith , Digital Engagement Chuck Hibberd , Catalyst
Megan Hirschman , Partnership Molly Immendorf , Professional Development
Akashi Kaul , Evaluation Rick Klemme , Catalyst
Heather Martin , Peer Review Coordinator Aaron Weibe , Marketing/Communications Editor: Many thanks to Lynn Little , retired University of Maryland Extension Educator, for her diligent and extensive editing of references, figures, and photographs.
Cover Photo: logo provided by this team
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