NTAE: Well Water 101 Feature Story

Welcome. “Well Water 101” is a publication of the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) program. This publication celebrates the accomplishments of a team at Extension professionals from University of Minnesota Extension that received funding for this project in 2022-2023. NTAE is a grant program generously supported by the USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and administered through a partnership between Oklahoma State University and the Extension Foundation (EXF). The primary objective of NTAE is to provide financial assistance to competitively selected Extension programs that align with the strategic goal and priority program areas of the USDA and the Extension Com- mittee on Organization and Policy (ECOP). Through this support, NTAE helps teams catalyze, accelerate, and expand their work in their respective fields. Since its inception in 2019, the NTAE program has successfully funded and supported a total of 72 projects and leaders. This includes collaborations with all Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs) and ECOP Program Action Teams (PATs). Selected programs receive support for a period of one year. The project leader and their team are provided with invaluable mentoring from a team of catalysts, key infor- mants, and coaches from the EXF. This customized and innovative support model assists teams in exploring new possibilities, enhancing the intended impact of their projects, and sharing their work with a national audience. Additionally, each team receives additional resources and support to create materials and experiences that speed the development of their projects and bring about desired changes. The project showcased in this publication reflects the diversity and breadth of Extension disciplinary work and programming. In this publication, you will gain deeper insights into this exciting project, including the lessons learned, the project’s significance for Extension in a broader context, and what lies ahead for the team.




Editorial Staff Julie Halverson Dr. Rose Hayden-Smith Heather Martin Design & Production Dr. Rose Hayden-Smith Ellen P. Krugel Heather Martin

Anne Nelson Former Extension Educator, University of Minnesota Extension Jeff Broberg Director, Minnesota Well Owners Organization Jeff Stoner Member, Minnesota Groundwater Association Bruce Olsen Member, Minnesota Groundwater Association Paul Wotzka Member, Minnesota Well Owners Organization Kara Dennis Hydrologist, Environmental Health Division, Minnesota Department of Health Carrie Raber Manager, Groundwater Restoration and Protection Strategies, Minnesota Department of Health Kerry Marsolek Research & Grants Accounting Supervisor, Finance and Planning, University of Minnesota Extension Dr. Sara Heger Instructor, Onsite Sewage Treatment Program, University of Minnesota Aaron Jensen Compliance Supervisor, Subsurface Sewage Treatment System, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

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© Extension Foundation Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer- cial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Published by Extension Foundation. Citations for this publication may be made using the following: Kansas City: Extension Foundation (2022). Well Water 101 (1st ed). ISBN: 978-1-955687-43-0. This work, ISBN 978-1-955687-43-0, is supported by New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no. 2020- 41595-30123 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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