NTAE 2023-2024 Yearbook

North Central Climate Collaborative: Focus on

Climate Resilient Agriculture in South Dakota— Planning for an Extension Climate Adaptation Program

LONG-TERM GOAL To help producers identify climate risks, implement proactive practices, and build adaptable operations for a sustainable future PROJECT CONTEXT South Dakota’s diverse agricultural landscape, from intensive row crops to extensive grazing, faces a spectrum of climate threats. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for all producers. It is critical for producers to be involved in developing individualized plans for climate-smart practices. GOALS FOR NTAE GRANT PERIOD • Analyze existing climate programs in other states, and collabo- rate with South Dakota partners to identify key climate issues and relevant resources. • Identify Extension staff for program development and assess existing educational offerings (internal and external) to guide curriculum creation. • Conduct outreach sessions to gather producer needs and preferences for program structure. • Develop a pilot program and identify potential funding sources for its implementation.

LONG-TERM GOAL To help producers adapt to and mitigate climate change, ensuring long-term sustainability in farming PROJECT CONTEXT Collaboration among diverse producers and agricultural advisors interested in climate, agriculture, and water is essential to address- ing climate change in the agricultural sector. It is critical to connect research on climate-smart practices with those who can put it into action. GOALS FOR NTAE GRANT PERIOD • Hold an in-person regional and multi-state conference for Extension professionals and other technical service providers, producers, and landowners in the North Central region who are interested in climate, agriculture, and water. • Increase connections among Extension and outreach profession- als in the North Central region. • Raise awareness of climate and water issues and solutions in the North Central region’s agriculture sector.

Agriculture Conference

TEAM LEAD Laura Edwards, MS

Extension State Climatologist South Dakota State University

TEAM LEAD James Doyle, MS

Diversified Ag Field Specialist South Dakota State University MENTOR Karin Bump, PhD

CATALYSTS Rick Klemme, PhD Chuck Ross, MA





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