NTAE 2023-2024 Yearbook

Handbook of Aerial Crop Scouting

Precision Horticulture Using Unpiloted Aerial Vehicles as Part of an Integrated Plant Management Approach for Ornamental Nurseries

LONG-TERM GOAL To reduce pesticide use on and increase efficiency and profitability for plant nurseries PROJECT CONTEXT Other agricultural sectors are having considerable suc- cess with unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs). This project has the potential to demonstrate to smaller production areas—like nurseries—with diverse plant species how drones are a promising solution for pest control, disease monitoring, and resource management. GOALS FOR NTAE GRANT PERIOD • Continue UAV field research through in-nursery applications. • Trial the use of spray-drones to address diseases and pests that adversely impact the ornamental plant industry. • Develop replicated treatment studies, comparing UAV and conventional agrochemical application on specific plants with pest/disease problems. • Continue economic analyses for pest and disease management. • Evaluate the effectiveness of UAV monitoring of water and nutrient stress.

LONG-TERM GOAL To equip more growers, advisors, and anyone interested in drone use on farms with the skills to operate drones on their own PROJECT CONTEXT The use of drones for aerial crop scouting has grown rapidly, driv- en by more affordable equipment, easier operation, and relaxed regulations. However, challenges for producers remain, including a lack of awareness or knowledge of Federal Aviation Administration regulations, limited access to practical application resources for agricultural use, difficulty finding image examples, and under-use or improper operation of drones in agricultural settings. GOALS FOR NTAE GRANT PERIOD • Collect aerial imagery to provide examples of real life agro- nomic case studies and examples of drone imagery to provide diagnostic guidance. • Publish imagery in a “Handbook of Aerial Crop Scouting” and use as a teaching tool in workshops and educational materials.

TEAM LEAD Dirk Charlson, PhD Digital Agriculture Extension Educator University of Nebraska-Lincoln

MENTOR Angell Jordan, BS

Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center

TEAM LEAD Andrew Ristvey, PhD Principal Agent and Extension Specialist University of Maryland

CATALYSTS Dyremple Marsh, PhD Scott Reed, PhD





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