The National Issues Forums use a moderator to guide participants through an issue that has been named and framed. Each issue guide contains at least three options for addressing the issue with possible trade-offs and a measure of the shift in thinking (Mathews, 2016). The Strategic Doing process was created to teach community members how to quickly create agile collaborations across groups and individuals such that together they can achieve strategic, measurable outcomes (Morrison, 2013).
This 90-minute, 2017 webinar explains how to use the national issues forums approach to engaging diverse members of communities in dialogue and deliberation.
Ed Morrison, co-author of Strategic Doing, briefly explains what the process is in this 5-minute video produced by the Purdue Agile Strategy Lab.
Publ ic Pol icy can be used by public policymakers to address short and long needs of farms, farm families, and farming communities. For example, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture subsidizes counseling for farms through its Minnesota Rural Mental Health program and nine health advocates. Due to increased need, a second position was added in 2019. Wisconsin authorized money to focus on the mental health needs of farmers during their 2019 legislative session. A 2018 federal public policy example was the authorization of the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network as part of the Agricultural Improvement Act. In 2019, Congress appropriated funds for a two-year start-up phase. The establishment of multi-disciplinary networks across regions, to address health and wellness began with the release of contracts in the four regions in 2019. Networks became operational in early 2020 and will continue through 2023. The network will need to be reauthorized in the 2023 Farm Bill. Research on the effectiveness of the networks will be helpful to inform reauthorization decisions.
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