Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience in our Communities


Bonnie Braun

Maria Pippidis

Bonnie Braun, PhD, is Professor Emerita, University of Maryland School of Public Health, and retired specialist from the University of Maryland Extension. She is a member of the USDA-funded research study of Health Insurance, Rural Economic Development and Agriculture. She served on planning committees and spoke at four health and farm vitality forums based on the study findings. She is a member of the Connect Extension New Technologies in Agriculture Education grant that supported the updated version of this guide. She is a member of the Northeast Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Advisory Committee and the University of Maryland Extension Agriculture Services Providers Training Committee funded with a SARE grant.

Maria Pippidis, AFC®, FFC®, is an Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences and County Director for the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension. She teaches finance to consumers, farmers, and farm families through Annie’s Project, Women in Agriculture, and risk management programming. She led the Delaware forum, Linking Farm Vitality and Health, funded, in part, by the Northeast Region Center for Rural Development. Maria is the principal investigator (PI) for the Connect Extension Foundation New Technologies in Agriculture Education grant that supported the revisions, update and conversion to an e-publication. She is active in the Northeast Region Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network. She is an active member of the Health Insurance Literacy Initiative and author of multiple health insurance and finance curricula and educational materials. Maria Pippidis, AFC®, FFC® County Director and Extension Family and Consumer Sciences/Financial Mgmt. University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

Bonnie Braun, PhD Professor Emerita, School of Public Health

Department of Family Science University of Maryland Extension

We stand ready to support you as you begin or expand your efforts to build resilience across individuals, families, farms, communities, organizations, and public policy.


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