Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience in our Communities

Logic Model 2. This logic model targets farmers, farm families and/or farm workers and is in Appendix B . It can help professionals plan, implement and measure outcomes of risk and resilience programs. This logic model can save individual professionals time in developing programs; can serve as a basis for working with multiple professionals; and provide a common base for assessing the extent to which multiple professionals are increasing the likelihood of reaching the intended short, medium, and long-term outcomes. Figure 15 . Logic Model 3. This logic model targets stakeholders whose decisions and actions impact farming communities and farming populations. This logic model is in Appendix C . It is for professionals to use to plan, implement and measure outcomes of risk and resilience programming. This logic model can save individual professionals time in developing programs; can serve as a basis for working with multiple professionals; and can provide a common base for assessing the extent to which multiple professionals are increasing the likelihood of reaching the intended short, medium and long-term outcomes. Use of Logic Models. These logic models show inputs, actions, and outcomes, but they include measures that professionals can use to show impact across multiple disciplines and professional settings. Targeted audiences can use a variety of assessments to self-assess areas that are their strengths and areas that could be improved. Several assessments are included in the Tools section of this Guide. For professionals, assessments can provide benchmark data and specific point-in-time changes within and among the three targeted audiences. Results can be used for decision-making about additional programming and interventions; requests for funding and other support; the case for public policy and additional research, and reports to participants and stakeholders.

Logic models show inputs, actions and outcomes including measures that professionals can use to show impact across multiple disciplines and practice settings.


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