Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience in our Communities

c. “How Healthy is Your Farm?”

This 2-minute, animated video shows the importance of personnel health to the vitality of the farm. It illustrates the key human capital building blocks necessary to keep the farm thriving. Developed by the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension and University of Maryland Extension; produced by the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension.


d. Farm Resilience Bingo Activity

This bingo activity was created by Maria Pippidis, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, to engage multiple people in exploring actions that individual farmers and members of farm families can take to self-assess what they currently do to reduce risk and build resilience. An educator can use at the beginning of a group session as a pre-test of what the participants are doing and at the end as a measure of which of these actions they intend to do. Alternatively, it could be used as an activity to keep people engaged as the actions are introduced in a presentation. The Bingo game is available at: Bingo_Activity-4-15-20.pdf

e. Reducing Stress and Building Resilience

This 5-minute video of a presentation by Jesse Ketterman, the University of Maryland Extension, is part of a series focused on COVID-19 and Farmers. It could be used with groups as a brief overview of stressors and building resilience.



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