17. Teen Mindfulness: Breathe Deeply 4-H Lesson
This 2-page lesson guide can be used by educators or leaders and provides activities that encourage youth to identify worries and strategies to help address them.
This resource can be found at https://ohio4h.org/sites/ohio4h/files/imce/books_resources/Designteam/Mindfulness%20Lesson_0.pdf
18. Farmer and Ranchers Stress Assistance Networks
This 45-minute webinar is the first of a series of quarterly webinars hosted by the North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance (FRSAN) Center. Brent Elrod, USDA-NIFA, provides an overview of FRSAN, including federal legislative authorization, requirements and funding history. FRSAN was established to provide assistance to individuals engaged in farming and agriculturally-related occupations. There are five regional networks: Northeast, South, North Central, Western, and 1890. Extension professionals can participate in the work of the networks, and/or use their educational outputs to support the farming population in their area.
This 45-minute webinar is the first of a series of quarterly webinars hosted by the North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance (FRSAN) Center
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud1rRS1vK- o
19. Stressors and Resources for Farm/Ranch Families with Disabilities
This 60-minute webinar, conducted on February 25, 2021, is for professionals and producers with disabilities. Dr. Bob Fetsch, retired Colorado State University Extension family specialist and Carey Portel, farmer from Missouri and a national speaker, are featured
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38x7L3pxvx8&fe ature=youtu.be
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