Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience in our Communities

about local issues are measured. Additional information located at: projects/community-assessment-resilience-tool-cart

c. Rural Resilience Index (RRI)

Developers of the RRI designed it to be a user-friendly, process-based, qualitative resilience assessment instrument. The RRI uses a whole community approach and values citizen engagement (Cox & Mamlen, 2015).

Tools for Farmers and Farm Fami ly Audiences

1. The Road to Resilience

People generally adapt well over time to life-changing situations and stressful conditions. What enables them to do so? It involves resilience, an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps. The website is intended to help readers with taking their own road to resilience. The information describes resilience and some factors that affect how people deal with hardship. Much of the content focuses on developing and using a personal strategy for enhancing resilience. Developed by the American Psychological Association. A printed pdf version can be found at: content/uploads/sites/87/2013/04/the_road_to_resilience.pdf

2. Building Resilience Together

Everyone faces the stress of adversity and change. For people working in agriculture, that adversity and change can be even more challenging.

Building Resilience Together is a way to improve your resilience by intentionally working on your social support system. Social support is a critical part of your resilience. By working on your social support system alongside a small group of other women in agriculture, you’ll develop ways of thinking and doing that will contribute to your resilience. This resource can be found at

3. Keys to Resilience: Transformation through Adversity

Based on the Walsh model, Wisconsin Cooperative Extension has developed a short program and resource materials to be used with audiences that will help them understand factors that contribute to family resilience. More information can be found at

4. Strengthening Families Program

The Strengthening Families Program is for parents and youth 10-14 and is delivered in seven parent, youth, and family sessions using narrated videos portraying typical youth and parent situations with diverse families. It is an evidence-based program showing success. Information about the program and becoming certified to use the material can be found at


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