5. National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Network
A multistate group of Extension and faculty that support Extension educators and professional partners who are working with youth and adults to enrich couple relationships. They provide several educational programs and offer train-the-trainer opportunities. More information can be found at https://www.fcs.uga.edu/nermen/nermen
6. Preparing the Next Generation to Take Over the Family Business
This PowerPoint presentation Bernie Erven, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University, outlines the roots of family business succession challenges; provides some guidelines for leaders of management succession and for the next generation; and identifies some key communication strategies. It is included in this list of tools as an example of the types of human and social capital resources and resilience factors that need to be developed for farm operators and their successors. It can be found at http://www.hort.cornell.edu/expo/proceedings/2011/General%20Session/Management%20Succession%20P reparing%20Next%20Generation%20New%20York%20January%202011.pdf
7. Checking Your Farm Business Management Skills
Significant financial and economic stress is facing many farm families, and a number of them are attempting to assess their potential to not just survive the current period of low prices and incomes, but to be viable, long-term participants in the agriculture of the future. This is a critical issue for Indiana farm families – will the business be positioned for long-run financial success after struggling through short-run financial stress? The checklists in this publication can assist you in assessing whether you have the required skills. Given the profound changes in the agricultural industry and in the farming environment, it is essential to honestly assess your managerial skills and capacities, and to improve those skills if your assessment indicates that you come up short or are vulnerable.
This resource can be found at https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/ID/ID-237.pdf
Tools for Professionals and Key Stakeholders
Resources for professional development and key stakeholders can be found in a variety of places because different disciplines are using the resilience framework. Most typically it is with child and family development. 1. Building Resilience and Reducing Risk: What Youth Need from Families and Communities to Succeed To bring a family focus to policymaking, key stakeholders in Wisconsin developed this document. It provides a checklist for policy makers as well as background information on a number of youth development and family topics of importance for youth and family wellbeing and resilience. The document can be found at https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/hdfs/fii/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/s_wifis10report.pdf
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