Using American Community Survey to Understand Your Community

S T E P 4 : F I N D YOU R D A T A T A B L E .

A map of our county now appears on the screen — we are getting closer to seeing the data. We initially searched for the keyword “computer.” This keyword appears in multiple ACS data tables, and we must now select the most suitable table for answering our question. The left-hand sidebar shows all relevant tables. We can scroll through them to find one that includes age, as we would like to see results that pertain to children and youth, computer access, and internet access. In thi s case, our list will contain the table “age by the presence of a computer and types of internet subscription in a household.” We select this table, shown in Figure 6. The information included under the table title tells us that the data in this table comes from ACS, is available for years 2017 through 2019, and has the unique identifier B28005.

Figure 6: Selecting a data table with relevant information.


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