Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

Outcomes and Resources Produced

A majority of the participants indicated that they were satisfied with the conference and would recommend it to others. In the sharing session, they recommended that we create a database of resources and funding opportunities for Extension professionals. In response, SU JAGriculture created a Google Form to encourage participants to sign up to share the resources and grants they are using for emergency preparedness. Nearly thirty people signed up and a registry was created. There were other outcomes, as well. As a professional development activity for our Extension peers, we presented a webinar for the Extension Foundation on April 6, 2020, about our programming and support to aid communities in Louisiana in the post-disaster recovery phase, as second responders: Answering the Call: The Role of Extension After an Emergency. The video is shown below. This work fed into our NTAE project.

This 1-hour video – Answering the Call: The Role of Extension After an Emergency – explores the role

of the Extension professional as a second responder during emergencies, and more.

Site: https://connect.extension.org/event/answering- the-call-the-role-of-extension-after-an-emergency- southern-university-agricultural-research-and- extension-center


Video: https://youtu.be/BJfNmBOVwkY

We were interviewed by the Extension Foundation team for EF’s podcast. A link to that episode is included below.

Connect Extension Podcast Episode 15 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-15-southern- university-jagriculture-emergency/id1524711375?i=1000503239381 Dec. 22, 2020 Run time: 18 minutes


As a result of our project, we produced a range of resources for those we work with. Our team prepared campaign materials for National Preparedness Month (held annually in October) emphasizing the importance of having an evacuation plan. Sample campaign materials are included below.

We also created a series of informational pieces about preparedness for hurricanes and other emergencies for our constituent groups, including:

individuals with disabilities

older adults

individuals with diabetes


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