Ecosystem Services in Working Lands: US Northeast

Part 4: Results


In total, this assessment identified just over 1,300 relevant incentive programs for the U.S. Northeast. These programs functioned at a variety of geographic scales, from the national to the regional to the state and also came from a variety of institutional actors, both private and public as well as various PPPs. The topical categories covered in this assessment include: • Food, farming, and agriculture (Section 4.2) • Working forests and woodlands (Section 4.3) • Fisheries, aquaculture, and shellfish operations (Section 4.4) • Supporting landscapes and systems (Section 4.5).

Figure 5. Distribution of incentive programs from this sample, separated by the eligible entity and funding sector

At the highest level, the results are shown by relative frequencies across the range of eligible groups for each incentive program as well as by the issuing institutional sector of each program and geographic reach (Figure 5). As applicable for the U.S. Northeast, national-scale incentive programs constitute about one- quarter of this sample (n=316, 24.2%). From this sample, it is clear that more federal programs (national scale, public sector) are directly available to individual producers/managers (which includes privately owned businesses, co-ops, and management institutions) (n=110) than they are to other institutions/organizations, like municipal or state governments and research institutions (n=72). Overall, incentive programs from federal agencies and departments included those available to the nation as a whole as well as to the U.S. Northeast region specifically. Of all federal agencies, most programs from this database were available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (total n=139), followed by the U.S. Department of the Interior (n=22) (Table 6).

Private-sector incentive programs, provided by national organizations (available across the country), are also most available to individual producers/managers (n=97). These private organizations represent a range


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