Ecosystem Services in Working Lands: US Northeast

• Washington D.C. RiverSmart programs — in particular the Clean Rivers and Impervious Area Charge (CRIAC) incentive — are examples of other efforts to reduce impervious areas in urban centers. The RiverSmart program offers discounts to residents on their water bill and discounts of up to 55% off the District Department of Energy and Environment's (DOEE's) Stormwater Fee when they reduce stormwater runoff by installing green infrastructure (GI). For the purposes of this program, green infrastructure includes things like green roofs, bioretention, permeable pavement, and rainwater harvesting systems. The use of GI helps protect the Anacostia and Potomac rivers and Rock Creek, which are the main waterways in the city. • The Washington D.C. Clean Rivers and Impervious Area Charge (CRIAC) program is an extension to the RiverSmart Rewards program and incentivizes customers to manage stormwater on their property through the use of approved best management practices, including rain gardens, rain barrels, pervious paving, green roofs, bioretention practices, and stormwater reuse methods. In addition to this, the RiverSmart Homes program offers rebates when homeowners install their own trees, rain barrels, or rain gardens or remove impervious surfaces from their property and replace them with permeable pavers and/or vegetation. Any single-family homeowner in D.C. is eligible to apply for these rebates.

Figure 13. The geographic reach of th e U.S. EPA’s Urban Waters Partnership, with six offices in the U.S. Northeast


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