Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan

How Extension Makes an Impact on Critical Issues

Extension excels at helping communities navigate complex challenges, from climate to immunization. Here’s just one example illustrating how we meet moments of unprecedented need.

Strengthening Immunization Education Amid the global coronavirus pandemic, Extension, led by ECOP, partnered with Extension Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and USDA-NIFA for a $10 million interagency agreement. Extension helped meet the needs of 105 Extension projects, enabling critical adult immunization education outreach through 76 Land-grant universities (LGUs) for underserved populations, reaching over 15 million individuals, and forming over 400 new local partnerships.


To clarify its vision for continued climate impact, Extension developed a series of four models. Taken together, they are designed to illustrate how Extension professionals and their partners will take proactive climate action across agricultural lands, natural resources, and communities in the years ahead. This section of the white paper summarizes each model broadly, including medium- and long-term climate outcomes Extension envisions delivering with its partners in the years ahead, and short-term outcomes in the next one to three years. There is tremendous momentum on climate change mitigation and adaptation. This plan is designed to accelerate that pace further with strategic focus on activities Extension is uniquely suited to support. Each summary includes a description of the model, anticipated outcomes delivered, and corresponding activities needed to achieve those outcomes. The summaries also include information on available Extension resources – and additional investments of financing, time, and expertise needed to make them a reality.

To view the completed models including medium-term (4-9 years) and long-term (10+ years) outcomes, please see Appendix A.


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