Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan

• Formalize Extension/policymaker engagement:

o Convene Extension and multi-agency leadership through listening sessions

o Effectively promote Extension expertise with policymakers

o Create MOUs between state and federal agencies to maximize acquisition of technical and financial support

o Establish a means of communication between Extension & major policy leaders (host convening on climate issues, specifically focused on agriculture)

o Partner with agencies/organizations to plan, develop and deliver on commitments

Available Resources : Several existing resources in use by Extension today can be leveraged for delivery of the outcomes associated with this model. These include:

• Many county-level employees to serve as resources

University support

Research, education, evaluation

• County-level Extension directors currently facilitate the communication between policy and target audience

• Extension relationships with federal partners and interest in expanded partnerships

• Existing relationships with municipal decision-makers

• Experience in facilitating the participatory policy-making process

• Sea Grant has a strong history of being knowledgeable of policy landscape

Investment Opportunities:

• Funding to support the coordination of policy-related activities including assessment, training, and convening of a policy taskforce


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