Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan


Our bold vision for climate action hinges on a single word: partnership. Through this white paper, we invite our longtime partners and prospective new collaborators into conversation and co-creation to deliver climate solutions for all residents. Together, we can secure the necessary support, investment, and implementation capacity the Extension Climate Action Plan will require.

What comes next?

Leaders from Extension will schedule ongoing conversations, speak at public forums, and engage local Extension professionals and the communities and clients Extension serves about the Climate Action Plan. We will actively seek collaborators and funders for this important work.

How can my organization work with Extension?

We welcome your engagement in any capacity that can help deliver the climate solutions needed in every community that Extension serves. Among many other possible roles, this could include:

• Co-creating and investing in the programming and resources Extension provides; • Serving as a champion, thought leader, or implementation partner in this climate work; and • Helping to measure, monitor, and validate our impact and outcomes.

My organization wants to help. How can I get started?

To get in touch with Climate Program Action Team leaders contact

I have feedback about the Climate Action Plan. Where can I provide it?

We’d love to hear from you! Please submit any comments via this form.

Extension professionals may also join the Climate PAT subgroup on Connect, the Extension Foundation’s platform.


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