Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan

believe in climate change or other related issues

Awareness and Education

networks will be established in communities and engaged in climate resilience plans -Investments will be made in gaining social capital to develop this process through team building

-Extension personnel who are engaged with NR landowners/stewards/managers demonstrate improved awareness of climate-smart practices that are relevant to their clients (Note: This bullet is duplicated and can be counted once for the purpose of categorization) -Extension personnel demonstrate new or improved practices, behaviors, or choices that result from working with communities on climate action planning or outreach

Information Sharing and

Capacity Building

-Develop Extension Foundation capacity to serve as a clearing house for climate change information and complete integration of the three Land-grant university systems -Develop ECOP Climate PAT NOAA narrative with community resilience relayed as a baseline -Conduct awareness-raising educational events to build capacity and preparedness for communities Technology Adoption and Climate Data Utilization -Adopt technologies to reduce fossil fuel use in ag production, such as but not limited to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) adoption -Translate climate data into usable information for

Education and Outreach

-Enhance regional education and outreach to address competing program priorities that impede climate-based program participation. Identify tradeoffs and provide recommendations. For example, when finance and risk management programs and climate programs are at odds, as in programs that incentivize farmers

-Statistically significant knowledge increase by

Extension educators of others engaged in climate work and climate resources available within Extension

Planning and Policy Development

-By 2026: Complete climate resilience planning pilot process with two counties in pilot states. Municipalities will have developed a Climate Resilience Plan via an equitable, participatory process, including clear steps for implementation -Communities participate in a Climate Action Planning process guided by Extension professionals -Communities share best practices on goals, objectives, and policies

Recognition and Capacity Enhancement

-Increased Extension capacity to provide climate-related technical services


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