Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan

-Present to ECOP, NOAA, USDA, members of Congress, and other key collaborators to

reinforce the mission and impact of the program

Implementing Climate Response Extension will accelerate the use and maintenance of climate resilience and adaptation strategies in partnership with all clients who manage and steward natural resources and agricultural lands. To do this, it will build the climate change expertise of Extension professionals through conducting gap analysis and developing resources to fill those gaps, offering train-the-trainer programming, developing a system to house and ease access of locally relevant tools and resources, and play a leading role in expanding the climate-smart workforce.

Table 3: Implementing Climate Response


Key Activities


Short-Term Outcomes (1-3 Years)

Medium Term Outcomes (4-9 Years ) Connectivity, Capacity, and Advocacy -Increased Extension workforce capacity to prepare for and implement climate- related programs and solutions in natural resources -Increased capacity among participants to advocate for natural resources climate solutions and

Long-Term Outcomes (10+ Years)

Available Resources

Planning and Conferencing (Year 1 Activities) -Connect with National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI), climate and energy summit, and other events and organizations to identify synergies and opportunities to collaborate - Secure planning grant and hold Climate Extension

Tool and Curriculum Development -Identify preexisting curricula and/or build new curricula, adaptable to meet the need of individual communities -Publish an inventory of existing climate training programs and curricula for Extension -Collect and make accessible online resources including a resource library,

Programmatic Integration and Awareness

-75% of U.S. farms served will have

Collaboration and Partnerships

integrated climate adaptation and/or mitigation practices into their operations -Farmers and landowners will realize the economic benefits

-Increased Extension climate science literacy and capacity to implement climate-related

-Meet with partners including Ag Experiment Stations, USDA Climate Hubs, NRCS, ESA, Forest Service -Meet with collaborators external (e.g. human science, home economics specialists) and internal (including 4-H, MGs) -Coordinate with Climate Hubs, Regional Rural Development Centers, tribes, Land-grant universities, tribal colleges, community members -Engage with other disciplines ranging from

of climate-smart practice adoption

programming with clientele -80% of all Extension programming

-A specified # of farmers/landowners or a specified % will join learning networks and/or participate in on-farm experimentation in which where climate- smart programs/practices are demonstrated and discussed

areas will have at least one climate component within three years serving natural resources customers, leading to improved climate change mitigation


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