Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan

social science to climate science -Enhance collaboration among Extension personnel and research faculty and vice versa -Strengthen relationship with NRCS, FSA, and others -Collaborate with Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (CAMF) Fellows and others - Identify other collaborators that benefit from ecosystem services and could become partners, including water management districts and utilities

Conference enabling personnel to

evaluation tools for reporting, etc.

outcomes such as healthier soils, improved water quality, reduced climate footprint, more sequestered carbon within forests, and improved climate change adaptation outcomes, such as forest and range ecosystems better adapted to climate projections - Within one year of inventory completion, 80% of Extension personnel will indicate increased awareness of current climate training programs and curricula -Within two years of inventory completion, 25% of all Extension programming areas will have at least one climate component serving natural resources customers, leading to healthier soils, improved water quality, and more

to advocate for Extension as a trusted intermediary in providing training -At least 3 communities in each state will develop partnership with Extension and Climate Hub Extension Capacity- Building and Community Impact

Resilience/Adaptation and Economic Benefits -Outcome #13 and #14: Each farm will write a whole-farm plan Community Planning and Resilience -Communities that have integrated specific kinds of climate adaptation and mitigation elements into community planning will have, by 2035, 50% of their commercial and residential buildings be energy efficient and all communities will have at least one extreme weather emergency shelter

-Develop training curricula/training programs (e.g. on topics such as climate-smart practices, personnel training, Extension Council/advisory committee training) -Develop the Extension train- the-trainer model -Detail the train- the-trainers process -Detail the selection process for trainers -Adapt materials and train-the- trainer materials to

showcase their work

Community Engagement and Training (Year 2 Activities) -Identify pilot communities and hold convening -Adapt community- specific engagement guides -Build and conduct programming to raise awareness of the impact of climate change on the community (e.g. showing farmers how and why cover crops will be good for their business and operations by improving soil quality, reducing fertilizer while improving water quality)

-10 case studies that profile how Extension faculty and

Education and Training

-Actively promote all Extension climate-related events, research (social, educational, and

Knowledge, Awareness, and

staff have integrated climate science into needs assessment, programming, and reporting of Extension programs

Professional Development

physical), and programming

individual locations

-Increase in demonstrated and/or self-reported improvements in knowledge, awareness, attitudes, opinions, skills, and/or aspirations about climate impacts and community resiliency, measurable immediately after participation

-Increase climate science literacy among Extension personnel

-Identify the key components and attributes of an International Extension Climate Education Action Plan

-Collate/collect a one- stop-shop for all

Extension climate-related projects and programming -Explore USDA- sponsored convening with

-Increased Extension capacity to develop

-Create an education Engagement Guide

other relevant collaborators

programming and conduct climate-

-Develop Extension Foundation marketing campaign (outreach examples to get people to attend convenings and events) or contribute to inventory

-Extension professionals

-Co-develop DSS (Decision Support Systems) tools.

-Conduct asset mapping

related training

sequestered carbon within forests

demonstrate new or improved practices, behaviors, or choices that result from working with communities on integration of climate mitigation and/or adaptation into climate

-Increased number of Extension educators develop skills to facilitate community-

-Definition of a climate-smart plan

-Train Extension to do the planning

-40% of all Extension

-Develop a Climate-Smart 4-H

-Include Extension Climate and Extreme

programs will have a climate component within


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