Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan

Weather Programming paper

projects curriculum

one year. This will lead to great awareness of Extension clients of the importance of addressing climate change. Connectivity, Capacity, and Advocacy -Improved connectivity among Extension and USDA elements involved in climate and natural resources programming (i.e., 4-H, Experiment Stations, Hubs, NRCS, USDA- FS) -Increased capacity among participants to advocate for natural resources climate solutions and to advocate for Extension as a trusted intermediary in providing training -At least two communities per each Extension region will adopt the Cooperative Extension System Climate Education Action Plan within 2-3 years from 2024, with ongoing collaboration and dialogue with USDA Climate Hubs

level climate resilience planning

action planning or outreach

-Convene planning subgroups

Recognition and Incentives

-Strengthened relationships between Extension and communities

-Add pilot communities and farmers from which to replicate planning process

-Launch National Recognition programs and incentives/rewards for great work

Leadership and Strategy

-Increased capacity among

-Work with local, national, Tribal, and territory Extension leaders

Extension clientele to serve as early-adopters and influencers of community partners

-Create buy-in

-Get attention of more leadership -Connect to initiative leaders (like EXCITE)

Investment Opportunities

-Secure funding for personnel

-Hire additional Extension personnel (e.g. spec. agents) to develop climate-smart agriculture in action -Hire 1 FTE to inventory existing climate training programs and curricula, and then maintain this library -Hiring and budgeting to support personnel training

-Secure funding for training

-Conduct Extension/ agency/

education/communication- wide asset-mapping and gap analysis -Collaborate with external expert organization for building train-the-trainer events and to train Extension personnel to


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