Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan

Advancing 21 st Century Community Well-Being For All Extension will equitably improve the well-being of residents facing the effects of climate change in the communities it serves. This includes but is not limited to access to clean water; quality food and reduced food waste; clean, affordable and efficient energy; property weatherization; and an affordable grid and reliable public transportation. These partnerships will work at the nexus of communities and community members, including businesses, homeowners, municipalities, renters, and other relevant groups. This evidence-based approach will apply to all of the Extension Climate Action Plan workstreams and supporting models. Extension will advance well-being across geographies and across air, land, and water, while supporting communities in the decarbonization transformation. Activities will be conducted through the lens of social determinants of health and other applicable frameworks, such as CDC’s One Health and the Community Capitals Framework. Extension will incorporate environmental justice across all activities that result in transformed communities of shared well-being.

Table 4: Advancing 21 st Century Community Well-Being For All


Key Activities


Short-Term Outcomes (1-3 Years)

Long-Term Outcomes (10+ Years)

Available Resources

Develop Baseline Understanding of Community Needs and Assets for Foci of Work -Scan existing Census Housing Condition Data -Conduct a housing study in targeted areas to inform future project locations, guided by the Census Housing Condition Data -Conduct a scan of existing information such as FEMA flood maps -Identify existing measurement models to evaluate equity impacts and/or develop new models that can capture broader impacts on equity

-Foster cross- municipality, cross-state pilot projects and incentive programs to expedite adoption of successful models of transformation -Engage in larger-scale educational programming through conferences, curricula, public home demonstrations

Enhance Extension Capacity

-Increase weatherization of businesses and homes in communities served by 25% by 2040 to reduce energy costs and increase health outcomes, as measured by the number of homeowners and/or service providers making home weatherization changes as a result

-Existing ability and successful track record in helping constituents increase adoption and achieve compliance with regulations -Expertise in using participatory planning processes

-Increased Extension capacity to provide transformative programming based on social determinants of health frameworks -Increased Extension capacity to provide programming infrastructure as well as air, energy, land, water, and well-being programming -Increased capacity among participants to advocate for air, infrastructure, energy, land, water, and well- being solutions and to advocate for Extension as a trusted intermediary in providing solutions

Investment Opportunities

-New and expanded collaborations with local government organizations, climate adaptation/mitigation professional organizations, NGOs, utility providers, community foundations, housing authorities, architects, engineers, insurance companies and adjusters, and carbon market companies

of Extension programming

-Extension facilitates education and outreach on practices that can assist in achieving environmental outcomes such as: 30% reduction in GHG emissions, 30% weatherization and electrification of businesses/homes, 30% improvement in air quality tied to emissions reductions, 50% reduction in

-Develop a community planning model

-Secure expertise in energy, housing, weatherization, infrastructure, and management


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