Cooperative Extension System Climate Action Plan


The co-chairs offer our gratitude to all the institutions and individuals that made this work possible. Special thanks to Iowa State University, which sponsored the Climate Action Convening and the resources needed to write this white paper, and to the USDA NIFA/AFRI for the conference grant it provided.

Our planning committee played an instrumental role in conceptualizing and implementing the Convening and helped in writing and organizing the white paper. The planning committee included:

Roy Beckford (University of Vermont), Nate Birt (Silver Maple Strategies), Sylvie Brouder (Purdue University), Laura Edwards (South Dakota State University), Regan Emmons (Extension Foundation), Jason Henderson (Iowa State University), Megan Hirschman (Extension Foundation), Roslynn McCann (Utah State University), Carrie McKillip (University of Illinois), and Chuck Ross (Extension Foundation). We greatly appreciate the insights of the USDA team that joined us for the Climate Action Convening: Bill Hohenstein (USDA), Kevin Kephart (USDA NIFA), Lynn Knight (USDA Climate Hubs), and Adam Wilke (USDA NIFA). Thank you all for your support.

Special thanks are also due to the team of facilitators from the Extension Foundation: Ashley Griffin, Molly Immendorf, and Fred Schlutt.

This historic convening gathered leaders from the three Land-grant systems. Special thanks to Raymon Shange from Tuskegee University, who helped the planning committee extend the invitation to his 1890 colleagues. Some individuals traveled long distances to join the convening, from as far away as America Samoa and Hawaii. Thank you for joining us.

Those who joined us in Arizona for the Climate Action Convening contributed to the development of this white paper. We are so grateful to each of you for participating. The list of those in attendance is included below.

Roy Beckford, University of Vermont Jourdan Bell, Texas A&M

Jamie Benning, Iowa State University Alicia Betancourt, University of Florida Nate Birt, Silver Maple Strategies Consulting Alejandro Bolques, Florida A&M Denise Natoli Brooks, Central State University Sylvie Brouder, Purdue University Chris Callahan, University of Vermont Mike Crimmins, University of Arizona Kimberly Davis, Florida A&M Laura Edwards, South Dakota State University Regan Emmons, Extension Foundation Henry English, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Ali Fares, Prairie View A&M Gregg Garfin, University of Arizona Ashley Griffin, Extension Foundation Vickie Hebb, University of Nevada Jason Henderson, Iowa State University Megan Hirschman, Extension Foundation Bill Hohenstein, USDA John Idowu, New Mexico State University Molly Immendorf, Extension Foundation Monica Jean, Michigan State University Jodi Johnson-Maynard, University of Georgia Shibu Kar, University of Illinois


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