Extension Foundation 2023 Annual Report


Significant progress was made during the second year of the EXCITE initiative. The program reached 18,068,730 contacts through 173,417 engagement activities, hosting 1,024 vac- cination clinics, and administering 26,023 vaccines overall to increase vaccine confidence in rural and underserved communities. In year two, the EXCITE Activity Two pilot proj- ect expanded its programming efforts, focusing on additional adult immunizations and extending its reach into new areas. Over 7M citizens were impacted, and the projects collabo- rated with 254 partners. An additional $1M in CDC funding enables a Rural Conven- ing of Immunization best practices and establishes three pilot projects. These projects aim to boost vaccine confidence and uptake in rural pilot sites by engaging Extension professionals and National Rural Health Association (NRHA) members. Additionally, Washington State University’s Communication Toolkit, informed by an Extension professionals’ needs assess- ment, offers valuable resources for EXCITE teams with tools on motivational interviewing, science media literacy, and neuromarketing for brain-friendly health communications. Washington State is also providing neuromarket testing of current projects to determine the impact of the message content and format by EXCITE audiences to further inform best practices. An additional $7,552,500 from the CDC for the EXCITE program led to the development of new projects focusing on all adult immunizations, including COVID-19. A two-phase project, initiated in June 2023, involved a six-month design phase with 36 successful land-grant institutions now imple- menting their adult immunization projects. This brings the total funding for the EXCITE program to $17M at this time.



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