Land-grant universities support the Extension Foundation through voluntary annual membership. The Extension Foundation serves all Land-grant universities regardless of membership. Members receive exclusive benefits. The Extension Foundation leverages its $1.2M investment from members to support its national funded programs. Every dollar the Extension Foundation receives from membership goes directly to supporting initiatives that benefit Land-grant universities. In addition, members of the Extension Foundation receive exclusive access to our 70+ annual professional development and leadership development offerings. At present, 68 Land-grant universities are members of the Extension Foundation.
IN 2023...
636 Active courses were offered on the Extension Campus learning management system, engaging
2,393 Extension Professionals were engaged in professional development offerings.
7,000 Extension
Extension Foundation was the #2
Professionals and partners were engaged with Connect Extension.
source for Extension Professionals to go for professional development.
43,812 individuals.
The Extension Foundation continues to innovate with its membership model to increase accessibility. With leadership from our 1994 Land-grant University board representative, Mr. Brian Kowalkowski, the Extension Foundation created a membership model for Tribal Colleges and Universities to join and participate in our member services. Four of the Tribal Colleges and Universities have already joined our membership network.
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