National Extension Tourism (NET): 2021 Conf. Proceedings

An international group, including researchers from the US multi-state team, have formed the International Research Network for Agritourism (IRENA) 1 . One of the group's goals is to analyze differences and commonalities across participating countries to share experiences and lessons learned. Through the expansion of this research internationally, we anticipate it will continue to have important implications for Extension programming into the future, especially as we learn new ways to support agritourism operators and their communities.


This work is supported by the Critical Agriculture Research and Extension (CARE) grant no. VTN32556 and by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under project # 2020-68006-31683 Keywords: Agritourism, Direct-to-Consumer Sales, Survey, Extension


Barbieri, C .(2013). "Assessing the sustainability of agritourism in the U.S.: A comparison between agritourism and other farm entrepreneurial ventures." Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21(2):252-270. Barbieri, C., & Mshenga, P. M. (2008). The role of the firm and owner characteristics on the performance of agritourism farms. Sociologia ruralis, 48(2), 166-183. Chase, L. C., Stewart, M., Schilling, B., Smith, B., & Walk, M. (2018). Agritourism: Toward a conceptual framework for industry analysis. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(1), 13-19. Hollas, C. R., Chase, L., Conner, D., Dickes, L., Lamie, R. D., Schmidt, C., ... & Quella, L. (2021). Factors Related to Profitability of Agritourism in the United States: Results from a National Survey of Operators. Sustainability, 13(23), 13334. Lamie, R. D., Chase, L., Chiodo, E., Dickes, L., Flanigan, S., Schmidt, C., & Streifeneder, T. (2021). Agritourism around the globe: Definitions, authenticity, and potential controversy. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(2), 1-5.

1 IRENA’s website:

2021 NET Conference Proceedings


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